Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Journal 2: Museums in the Classroom

Museums on the web, what a great idea! All students love field trips, but I don't think all students enjoy museums. I know I may have been an odd child, but I absolutely loved going to museums. (It may have prepared, and warned, my parents that I would major in history!) But, especially with this generation of computer savvy, technically literate children, the art of going to a museum may be less appreciated. This article, "Museums in the Classroom," compiles a list of different online museum resources, and there are websites for both students and teachers to use. It gives a Museum Resource website, which contains links to hundreds museums around America. There is also an educator’s guide that can help you best plan a trip to a museum. I also think that supplementing a lesson with research and artifacts from museums allows for a more in depth understanding of the specific subject. Although museums contain facts and figures, they are designed for entertainment, while also informing. The creative and interesting aspects are what draw people to museums. Therefore, cybermuseums will also have a certain entertainment value that will keep kids interested in researching and learning. I think it is a very creative idea to allow kids to create their own museum tours. This allows them to learn in depth about a particular subject that they are able to teach it themselves.

1. Should this take the place of going to museums?
I do think exploring cybermuseums is a great tool for teachers. Realistically you can only take one, maybe two, field trips museums in a school year. I don't think it should take the place of going to museums. But it is a great way explore all the museums you want to take your kids, but don't have the time or money to go!

2. How will I use this resource in the classroom?
I think there are several ways that I will use this resource in the classroom. I think I will mostly use it for Social Studies, but I might be able to use it for Math and English also. I can use the museum sites for my own preparation when researching for lessons. I can use sites to do activities in class. I can use it to prepare for field trips to a certain museum! I can also have the students explore these sites themselves. They can research for a project, or they can create their own museum tour.

Reissman, Rose (2009, February). Museums in the Classroom. Learning and Leading with Technology, 36, Retrieved February, 2009, from

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